The Movement for Remigration (MPLR) is a political organization dedicated exclusively to putting an end to migratory anarchy and reversing its flow.
That is to say, the principle of the right person to the right function, for the right mission as well as that of active research, training and the promotion of the best of us that will be available. Thus, any person noting his lack of skills or availability for a task to which it is associated has the duty to report it so that the mission is entrusted to another if possible. The MPLR is an operational device that does not apply the democratic principle in its operation, for the sake of efficiency.
We strive to integrate in our operation the principle of evaluating individuals and operations in order to achieve greater effectiveness in our objectives.
The MPLR seeks to give an image of its action adapted to the needs of the indigenous population in Europe to recognize itself in its leaders, its spokespersons, its initiatives. In the context of partnerships of interests and means useful to our purpose and adapted to the context, we envisage relations with personalities or movements with related objectives but not necessarily sharing all our imperatives.
Without losing sight of the fact that the media system is unfortunately to be regarded as hostile, we seek to limit our exchanges with this sphere to the essential necessary to our objectives, without animosity but without collusion.